Fun Facts about Sara
What’s your favorite indoor/outdoor activity?
I am now a paddle sports fanatic, I play pickleball and platform tennis outdoors year-round. I also love to surf, we are lucky to have an indoor surf water attraction nearby and when I can, I skip out from work to surf the waves. My favorite place to surf the ocean is Costa Rica. I’m still very much a beginner. I also love to spend anytime I can with my kids even though they are now 19, 21 and 23 years old whether it’s on Facetime or just cooking together!
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Why?
I would love to fly like superman. I love to travel and that would make getting to the Galapagos Islands so much easier. I could cancel my Zoom meetings & get to know all clients in person.
If you were an animal, what would you be? Why?
I would be a mother bear: I’m affectionate, protective, and social. My kids, friends, and team mean the world to me.
Do you like to travel? Where?
I love to travel and pretty much anywhere. When I was 12, I won a trip to Spain as a newspaper carrier. Then, when I was 14, my parents sent me to Colombia, South America for the summer. Since then I’ve lived in Spain and Italy. Spain is my favorite place in the world. My best trip was visiting the Galapagos with just my 12-year-old son (7 years ago).
What causes do you care about most?
As a company, we focus on our local community and have a special commitment to causes that help children with illnesses or misfortunes. Double H Ranch, which is a camp for children with serious illnesses, holds a special place in my heart. When they first opened their doors, I worked at West Mountain and the first event I created for the mountain, The Cardboard Sled Race, was a fundraiser for the ranch. I’ve been involved ever since. My oldest daughter volunteers at Double H and it has changed her life. Personally, I also love World Vision, it’s so personal, you get to know the individual kids that you are helping.