New CPA Website Revamp Gains 41% New Users
For over 5 decades, Teal, Becker, Chiaramonte, CPAs have been delivering expert accounting and financial advisory services to construction firms, health, and medical practices, auto dealers, among other industries. Located in the Capital Region of Upstate NY, TBC has prided itself on providing the best custom professional expertise to its clients. One thing that was lacking for their business was a new CPA website that showcased their excellence, as well as their wide breadth of services. Mannix built a website that was easy to navigate, highlights their trusted services, and provides countless resources for their existing and potential clients.
The Results
- 41%More Organic Traffic
- 4xFaster Load Speed
- 41%More New Users
A challenge with the existing website was it was slow loading, one thing TBC wanted to see improve with their website revamp. The site also needed to be up-to-speed on ADA accessibility standards, so Mannix was up for the challenge.
The site was built to easily feature the industry pages to clearly show on how each type of business has its own unique challenges that need support from a CPA firm. A well-organized Resource and News section also made it easy to quickly get valuable information out to their website visitors. In addition, the website showcased the Areas of Expertise of accounting and advisory services TBC has to offer.
For new potential clients, the ability to quickly and easily call or email for inquiries was also made prominent throughout the website. For existing clients, it was important to make it super simple to securely login or make a payment with ease, on any device.
Behind the scenes, Mannix built a faster loading site that now loads under 1 second! It was also built with ADA accessibility in mind to be able to be used by all individuals. Other SEO-friendly elements were enhanced throughout the website in order to gain stronger results in search engines, making it easier for new visitors to find them.
Once the new website was launched, new users to the site were up over 41% from the previous year – providing significantly more potential leads for the firm.
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