Adirondack Bed & Breakfast Website Redesign Sparks 24X More Organic Search Traffic
Just 20 minutes from Lake Placid, the historic Keene Valley Lodge has provided a cozy and convenient bed and breakfast in the Adirondacks for outdoor enthusiasts for over 20 years.
Looking to update their 13-year-old website, they contacted the digital marketing team at Mannix. Their goals were simple: have a SEO friendly, clean, and modern site that would look great on all types of devices and one that would appeal to a younger audience of families. With that in mind, our team got to work.
The Results
- 24XMore Organic Traffic
- 58%Decrease in Bounce Rate
- 9.5XMore Page Views
The results were astounding! After the new website went live the lodge saw a 333% increase in traffic to the website, almost entirely made up of new users finding them for the first time. Organic search traffic rocketed resulting in 24X times the amount of traffic they were doing before. Users were engaging in more sessions, looking at more pages, and spending more time on the site as a whole!
By focusing on clear calls to action (Check Availability, Booking, Click to Call) the lodge has seen a spike in users viewing their room rates, availability pages, and contact pages. 36% of these sessions have resulted in clicks to booking!
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