Mobile and desktop device of the Irondequoit Inn homepage

Newly Remodeled Adirondack Inn Gets A Stunning Website Revamp

The newly remodeled Irondequoit Inn in the Adirondacks is a beautiful lakefront property offering a hotel rooms, cabins, and campsites. With stunning views of Piseco Lake, breakfast options, patio happy hour options, and the Adirondack wilderness at your fingertips. The Irondequoit Inn is perfect for anyone looking to unwind and take in the tranquility of nature.

Irondequoit came to Mannix needing a revamp of their website. With the site loading slow, and in need of better accessibility for those with vision and hearing impairments, it was time to make the inn’s website up-to-date, and convert more lookers to bookers.

The site is focused on showcasing the beautiful surroundings of the Lake Piseco area, as well as make it easy for a user to explore the different types of accommodations available at the property. A strong “Book Now” button was placed in the upper right-hand corner of all pages, making it simple to make your reservation whether on a computer or mobile phone. The booking bar was also placed on all pages of the site for convenience and to capture more conversions.

The new website offers clear navigation and beautiful imagery so any visitor to the site can envision the relaxing and peaceful backdrop awaiting them at the Irondequoit Inn.

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