Ausable Chasm Display AD on

How This Adirondacks Destination Reached Over 750K Impressions With A Single Display Ad

Known as the “Grand Canyon of the Adirondacks,” Ausable Chasm is a family-friendly recreation center located near Peru, NY that offers an assortment of adventures, from hiking and climbing to floating peacefully along the Ausable River. For years, Ausable Chasm has turned to Mannix Tourism as their trusted marketing partner to continue and generate awareness and new visitors enjoying this outdoor wonderland. 

With Mannix Tourism’s commitment to hyper-targeted advertising, Ausable Chasm was able to receive well over 750K brand impressions from a single, well-positioned display ad, and a click-through rate that far surpasses the national average.

The Results

  • 750KBrand Impressions
  • 7.2KClicks to Website
  • 17XHigher CTR Than National Average

Building Brand Recognition With Targeted Display Ads 

Hoping to reach an audience within a two-hour radius of Ausable Chasm, our marketing experts recommended display advertising on our activities and lodging sections on,, and, which are highly-trafficked with tourists and locals looking for things to do and places to stay in the nearby area. 

By the end of the campaign, the strategic positioning proved a success. The display ad also had an overall click-through rate seventeen times higher than the national average reported by SmartInsights.


Ausable Chasm’s Custom Destination Marketing Package:

In addition to Display ads, Ausable Chasm also worked with Mannix Tourism to promote their attraction with the following advertising pieces: 

  • Directory listings on,, 
  • Facebook promotions on the Facebook page
  • Display Advertising on,, and
  • Lead Generating Giveaway on


Looking to promote your attraction to a hyper-targeted, local audience? Contact [email protected] today!

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