New Year Roundup – 10 Helpful Posts From The Past Year

Happy New Year! Out with the old? Not quite yet! Here’s a look at our new year roundup, which includes 10 blog posts from the past year that are still just as helpful and relevant today:

Internet Marketing 101 – Tips

Think Internet marketing is only for optimizers? Think again. While we do obviously recommend hiring a specialist for search engine optimization services, there are still many steps you can take to market your website yourself. The following tips will help you get the most from your website…

What Should My Internet Marketing and Advertising Budget Be?

Every day I meet clients who aren’t sure what they should be spending on SEO, Internet marketing or digital marketing. Some clients spend 20% of their gross while others think that 1% is a lot of money. I recently met with a client who had an annual gross of $450,000 who claimed she was spending way too much…

15 Facebook Timeline Contests Ideas That You Can Use TODAY!

Did you know that businesses can now run contests directly on their Facebook timeline? In the past you would need a third party app to do this, but not anymore! You can now launch a quick contest using the normal news feed post. Fans can enter the contest by simply liking the post, leaving a comment…

Linkedin Company Pages: Best Practices

Looking for the best ways to optimize Linkedin company pages? Whether you’re one of those businesses who have had their Linkedin Company pages for awhile or you are just getting started on Linkedin, chances are there are a few things you may be overlooking. (Note: we will NOT be going over the qualifications for creating…

Inbound Marketing 101: What are Buyer Personas?

From your website copy to your social media strategy to your content marketing materials, buyer personas are deeply ingrained in your inbound marketing strategy. Whether you have a well-defined buyer persona or no buyer personas at all, your website visitors and anyone reading your content will soon be able to tell. So today we’ll be…

Author Schema + Google+ = Higher Rankings

We’ve been preaching the importance of adding authorship and connecting your web content and blogs to your Google+ Profile as an author. The benefit was that when your photo shows up in the search results next to your web page, your page is 30% more likely to get clicked on. Matt Cutts has said “don’t…

Twitter Vocabulary 101 – what you need to know about MT, RT, @, FF and Verification

What is an MT?  RT? Verification? Mention and #FF? At last week, Twitter 101, introduction to Twitter Seminar, one of the participants said, I need one sheet with all this vocabulary, so… here it is folks, compliments of Scott Stevens, Project Manager @MannixMarketing. >> Twitter Vocabulary and Glossary of Must Know Terms Twitter “Follow Me” image…

The Value of a #1 Position in Google Despite the Ever Changing Ranking Landscape

What is the value of a #1 position in Google? As business owners, it is natural to want to measure the success of your marketing campaign by several ideas that you have determined at the start of your marketing efforts. A very common measurement is, where did I rank … and where do I rank…

5 Blog Writing Grammar Mistakes To Avoid

As you go about your daily blog writing, be sure to steer clear of these most common grammar mistakes, which are the pitfalls of so many otherwise great writers. When I come across these mistakes, I cringe to read on. Could you be turning readers away with syntax slip-ups? Browse through to discover the most…

Content: Who Needs it Anyway?

Content marketing has surfaced as one of the leading components to an effective digital marketing strategy. Unfortunately, many businesses are still at a loss when it comes to understanding WHY content is such a key ingredient to getting found online and turning more visitors into leads. Following an enlightening discussion with a small business owner…


The above 10 blogs were hand-selected for your perusal. Please enjoy and learn something you can apply to your business today!

About Sara Mannix

Sara Mannix founded Mannix in 1996 with a goal to get clients found on the web through organic search engine optimization (SEO). The company now serves over 1500 clients worldwide and employs a team of 30 specialists, operating under the tagline "Success Measured." The tagline reflects the company's focus on measurable results for every client. This multifaceted company is an industry leader, specializing in organic SEO, conversion rate optimization, SEO-friendly website design, paid advertising (PPC). Mannix Marketing has two divisions, one side is focused on lead generation for nationally competitive businesses. The other side is focused on local businesses. Mannix has one of the largest portfolios of tourism and city guides in Upstate New York. These guides, (,,, and etc), reach over 10 million visitors a year. Corresponding social media profiles for the region extend this reach to millions every month.