Need to get the word out about an event? Use modern day event marketing techniques to increase the number of attendees at your next event. Read the blog post below for ideas to get the word out about all types of events.
1. Use Multiple Online Marketing Channels
Be sure to use more than one marketing platform to get the word out about your event. Use your blog, e-newsletters, press releases, social media sites, your website and more for consistent branding of your event. By using multiple platforms, you can reach more people and hit many potential attendees more than once.
2. Exclusive Secret
Market an exclusive secret that will be revealed at the event. By promising attendees something they won’t get anywhere else, you can get their interest. For example, provide the top 5 tips or trends that they will only get if they are in-person at the event.
3. Giveaway for Attendees
Who doesn’t like winning a prize? Offer a giveaway to all people that attend and choose a winner during the event. A giveaway adds hype and excitement to your event and may give someone interested an extra push to attend.
4. Teaser Posts
Teaser posts on a blog provide an introduction or overview to what the event will offer. Have a presenter or speaker do a teaser blog post so possible attendees get a sense of what the event will be about. For example, a basic tutorial on a topic so attendees are prepared to build upon information at the event.
5. Utilize E-newsletter Lists
Use existing e-newsletter lists to target people already interested in your services. Send an e-newsletter to current customers letting them know why they should come. You can also send a different newsletter to someone that has attended past events to let them know how this event will be different.
6. Involve a Cause
Donating registration fees to a local non-profit shows you care about your community and that you aren’t focused solely on event profits. You can also give free admission to a non-profit representative and ask them to spread the word in exchange.
You work hard to plan events, and with a few simple strategies, you can have maximum attendance. Try our modern day event marketing tips before your next event. Do you have any event marketing tips that have worked for you?