13 Golden Rules When Designing An Agency Website

Is it time for your agency to redesign its website? We know that the ultimate goal of a website is to build a visually appealing, lead generating machine. One that is the final destination for people looking for your service.

You know the site has to be mobile friendly and easy-to-navigate, with professional photography to showcase everything about your business. Is there anything else that you need to keep in mind for the redesign?

Agency Website Elements that Convert Visitors into Leads

While it makes sense to keep your website modern, the best agency websites help potential clients see you as problem solvers. Here are 13 features we recommend. Keep in mind – this is just the tip of the iceberg. A well optimized SEO friendly website that ranks well is critical, and that just happens to be our specialty (check out some of our latest designs here).

Encoraco CTA button1. Clear, Enticing Contact Now Buttons

Generating leads online is a must. For both desktop and mobile designs we recommend a clean, clear button with a call-to-action that is enticing.

Whenever possible, have form completions feed directly into your CMS so it will be acted on quickly and tracked throughout the process to becoming a client.

2. Smarter Live Chat and Chat Bots

Many people will look for agency services in environments where they can’t talk openly. And let’s face it, many people prefer not to speak with a person and would rather type or text.

So make it easy for them by adding live chat to your website. The cheapest no frills solution is www.providesupport.com. The best solution for the price is www.livechat.com as it offers more custom administrative functions.

When adding a live chat feature to your site, be creative! Don’t just pop up with a generic ‘Hi, can I help you’ greeting. Instead, why not create a live chat that offers a benefit for setting up an initial appointment or meeting? Use the chatbot to get one step closer to actually talking with the potential client.

Landis PR home page - showing sticky header

3. Sticky Mobile Click to Call

When you view the site on mobile, the phone number or a phone icon that you can click on to call should be on every page and stick to the top of the screen regardless of how far down the page you scroll.

Bonus points if you have a phone number and a book an appointment button in your sticky header!

4. Case Studies Page

Your copy probably talks about how great your agency is. And it should. But you need to show people examples of who you have helped, what you did and what the results were.

Do that with with a dedicated case study section. You should make sure they are easy to find, and if possible, include snippets and links within other relevant parts of your website (i.e., your service pages).

5. Map and/or Driving Directions

This may sound obvious but does your website just have an address, or does your website have a map with a pinned location along with a fast way to get driving directions?

Be sure it is easy for clients to get to your office by showcasing where it is, and how easy it is to get to (or difficult, allowing people to plan accordingly should they have to stop on in).

6. Humans to Answer the Phone

Having an actual person answer the phone to be able to answer specific questions is one of the best ways to turn leads into clients.

If you can’t answer the phone, hire a service to answer the calls that you can’t for a small percentage fee. Not sure who to use? Give us a call and we can point you in the right direction.

Also, we recommend that you consider training your new staff with call tracking. Listen to every call and coach them on how to improve their customer service skills so they’re well prepared when your customers pick up the phone.

7. Services Section

Even if your agency only offers one service, there should be a page or section that speaks in detail on your offerings. Most likely your agency has more than one service it is offering clients, and each one should have its own page.

The page should highlight the service and why you are unique, with enough information to make website visitors want to contact you. Include case studies, testimonials (video testimonials are great), special features of your service and FAQs to minimize the need for the visitor to go anywhere else.

8. Give Them GREAT Reasons to Act Now

You may offer a free consult. Maybe a white paper. Possibly an app that is a great resource for your audience.

No matter the initial offer, find a way to entice your audience to call or contact you while they are on your website. Don’t risk them leaving the site and forgetting about your agency. Get the engagement started now.

9. Social Proof: Testimonials and Client Reviews

Add testimonials and reviews to your own website like in the example below from the Full Court Press Communications.

There’s a feeling of assurance that comes from hearing what actual customers have to say about their experience with a business – be it a PR firm, branding agency, finance consultant or any other type of agency.

testimonial from FCP communications client

10. Blog That Showcases your Authority and Expertise

For people looking for a service that you may offer, they often are not looking for the lowest price or the fastest option. They are looking for a long term partner that they can trust has the knowledge and expertise that they lack.

Be sure that your website conveys this to your audience with an informative blog with in depth article that showcase just how great a resource your agency is.

11. Easily Accessible, ADA Compliant, Responsive Design

Whether they’re on a desktop or a smartphone, your audience is usually moving from one device to the next throughout their day.

This is why it’s imperative for your business to have a website that’s designed to work across devices and provide a great experience for desktop, tablet, and smartphone visitors, as shown in the example below for the new responsive designed website for Landis Communications.

Landis Communications' Responsive Website Design image

12. Fast Loading Design

A pretty design means nothing if it is slow to load. Think about the last slow site that you encountered. Did you stay long enough to get what you came to the site for? Probably not.

If your website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, you will lose over a quarter of your users. That means you are losing 1/4 of your potential leads to your competitors solely due to your load speed.

13. Schema Markup

Schema (or structured data) is code added to a website to help search engines understand certain pieces of data on your website. It allows search engines to better understand things like office hours, location, reviews, size of business, etc.

By implementing schema, the information searchers see about your agency should be more consistent and accurate when search engines display it.

Considering a New Website for Your Agency?

If you’re considering a new website for your business and want to convert more searchers into clients, then it’s time to request your free marketing review with the team that specializes in website design and digital marketing for agencies!

There is a lot to creating a website that converts – and we’ve spent decades honing our craft! Let’s chat for 15 minutes. We promise that you’ll learn a lot and most likely you’ll find out that you want to do business with us.

Call (518) 743-9424 and ask for a 15-minute digital marketing review or contact us online and we’ll show you what we can do to increase your leads and sales!

About Brian McGrath

Over the past 20 years, Brian has experienced many aspects of marketing, including brand management, copywriting, campaign coordination, paid search marketing, social media marketing and internet marketing. Brian now uses this knowledge to help our clients maximize their presence on the internet. His expertise in all things marketing gives our clients – and the Mannix Marketing SEO team – a distinct advantage in all areas of search. His extraordinary analytic skills provide SEO, social media and paid search clients with real, measurable results. To maintain his cutting edge expertise, Brian stays current on the latest trends in social media and digital marketing by reading industry publications, attending conferences, and consulting with peers.